WYSIWYG Web Builder v12.1.0 Final

WYSIWYG Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed.
Now available: WYSIWYG Web Builder!
* Visually design your website (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get).
* No HTML knowledge required! Just drag & drop objects to the page!
* Outputs standard HTML4, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, PHP.
* Template support (100+).
* HTML5 Audio/Video, YouTube, Flash Video and more!
* Slidehows, photo galleries, rollover images, rollover text.
* Navigation bars, Menu bar and many other navigation options.
Desktop publishing for the web, build web sites as easy as Drag & Drop!
* One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. No special hosting required, use with any Hosting Service!
* Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard plus Form validation tools and built-in CAPTCHA.
* Advanced graphics tools like shapes, textart, rotation, shadows and many other image effects.
* Fully integrated jQuery UI (Accordion, Tabs etc), animations, effects and built-in ThemeRoller theme editor.
* Google compatible sitemap generator / PayPal eCommerce Tools
* Many navigation tools available: Navigation bars, tab menus, dropdown menus, sitetree, slidemenus.
* Built-in Slide Shows, Photo Galleries, Rollover images, Banners etc.
* Support for YouTube, Flash Video, Windows Media Player and many other video formats.
* Unique extension (add-on) system with already more than 250 extensions available!
Whats New :
- Fixed: Issue with Fade animation in Photo Collage.
- Fixed: Background overlay in floating layer needs z-index.
- Improved: padding and margin of the Text object is now responsive.
- Improved: Added 'Font Awesome' and 'Material Icon' to mobile page toolbox.
- Improved: Added 'Select above/below/left/right' to main menu. This also makes it possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to these commands.
- Improved: HTML object adds asterisk to 'Resources' button if not empty.
- Improved: Implemented a workaround for issues with text links and the Windows 10 Creators Update.
- New feature: Added 'Include locked objects in lasso selection' option to Guide Settings. This specifies whether to include locked objects should be included in lasso selection.
- New feature: Added 'Remove from Layer' command to Object Manager context menu.
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.x format.
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' option to overflow settings in Layout Grid, this allows you to control the horizontal alignment of overflow columns.
- New feature: Added 'Rotate' option to Photo Galeary, Photo Collage and SlideShow properties. This makes it possible to quickly rotate an image without leaving the appplcation.
- New feature: Added 'Tables styles' menu to menubar (in addition to the to Ribbon gallery)
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' property to jQuery Auto Complete.
- New feature: The Photo Collage properties now displays the number of images used by each layout.
- New feature: When using 'Convert to form' for Login forms which are inside a layout grid, the child elements will be converted to floating elements. The layout grid will be used as the form container.
- New feature: Added the possiblity to have multiple heading styles in the Style Manager. To create a new heading style simply copy an existing heading and give it a valid (class) name.
- New feature: Added 'Remove Built-width logo' to the Tools menu, so you can easily remove the logo from all pages in the project.
- New feature: Added 'Open master page' option to the context menu of Master Objects to quickly open the embedded page.
- New feature: Added 'Direction' option to 'Bulleted list'. This specifies the place of the bullets: left or right side. This may be useful for RTL languages.
- New feature: Added toolbar to Blocks Manager with commands 'Delete',' Refresh' and 'Open File Location'
- New feature: Added a search option to the Blocks Manager. This makes is possible to filter items in the Block Manager to quickly locate a specific Block.
WYSIWYG Web Builder v12.1.0 Final
(All Download with Setup.exe file + Cr@ck / Serrial / Key-gen / Active Key / P@tch)
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